Introduction to C Programming


This course is a Flip lecture. You must watch a lecture Video before each lesson. You have to solve exercises and submit your answer via CourseN@vi system in each lesson. If you have any questions, you may ask your teacher or teaching assistants.

  • 講師: シモセラ エドガー
  • 日程: 2018年09月〜2019年01月
  • 曜日時限: 月曜日 3時限(13:10〜14:50)
  • 教室: Room C, 3rd floor 63 bldg.
  • メール:

Watching Videos

If you use Windows operating system, you may watch the video on “CourseN@vi” lesson page. To watch the video, you have to install related software. Or you may watch the video on Waseda Course Channel as well.

MacOS, Linux, Unix:
Under Unix, please use the Waseda Course Channel. It is not allowed to watch the video on “CourseN@vi” under Unix.


You will fail your grade if you attend less than 10 lessons. You must register your attendance on the CourseN@vi system. You will be marked absent if you delay more than 10 minutes.

Attendance registration (CourseN@vi)

Science and Engineering Unix System

This class is necessary for your Unix system ID. You must have your account of the Unix system. You need to apply for getting your account before first lecture.

Create your Unix system ID

Unix Usage

  1. Basics of Unix (Usage) Slides Video
  2. Basics of Unix (Commands) Slides Video
  3. Editor (Emacs) Slides Video


  1. Lecture Overview Slides Video
  2. Unix Usage Slides Video
  3. Programming Basics (1) Slides Video
  4. Programming Basics (2) Slides Video
  5. Programming Basics (3) Slides Video
  6. Programming Basics (4) Slides Video
  7. Programming Basics (5) Slides Video
  8. Arrays, Preprocessor Slides Video
  9. Random Numbers, Math Libraries Slides Video
  10. Pointers Slides Video
  11. More Pointers Slides Video
  12. Characters, Strings Slides Video
  13. File Input/Output Slides Video
  14. Structures Slides Video