Research interests: computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning
Edgar Simo-Serra is currently an associate professor at Waseda University. He obtained his Industrial Engineering degree from BarcelonaTech in 2011 and his Ph.D. in 2015 from the same university. From 2015 to 2018 he was at Waseda University as a junior researcher (assistant professor), and during 2018 he was a JST Presto Researcher, befor rejoining Waseda. His general research interests are in the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning with applications to large-scale real world problems.
Dec, 20241 paper accepted to appear in Transactions on Games
Aug, 20241 paper accepted to appear in Pacific Graphics 2024
Jun, 2024Vectorization paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2024
Jan, 2024I have been awarded the 2023 Waseda Research Award
Dec, 20231 paper accepted to appear in WACV 2024
Sep, 2023Texture synthesis paper accepted to SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023
Aug, 20231 paper accepted to appear in Pacific Graphics 2023
May, 20232 papers accepted to appear in CVPR 2023
Aug, 20211 paper accepted to appear in Pacific Graphics 2021
Jul, 20211 paper accepted to appear in ACM Multimedia 2021
May, 20211 paper accepted to appear in Conference on Games 2021
Apr, 2021Line art vectorization paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2021
Apr, 20213 papers accepted to appear in CVPR Workshops 2021
Apr, 2021I have become an Associate Professor.
Mar, 20211 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2021
Sep, 20201 paper accepted to appear in SMC 2020
Aug, 2020I have been introduced in Mirai Book (Japanese)
Jul, 20202 papers accepted to appear in MICCAI 2020
Apr, 20201 paper accepted to appear in CVPR Workshops 2020
Jan, 2020Our paper on doing digital painting lighting effects is accepted to Transactions on Graphics (TOG) and will be presented at SIGGRAPH2020!
Nov, 2019I was interviewed in STI Horizon!
Sep, 2019I will be giving a tutorial on "Deep Learning for Image Transformation" at ICIP2019
Sep, 20191 paper accepted to appear in SIGGRAPH Asia 2019
Aug, 20192 papers accepted to appear in ICCV Workshops 2019
Aug, 20191 paper accepted to appear in MICCAI Workshops 2019
May, 20192 papers accepted to appear in 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU2019)
May, 20191 paper accepted to appear in Visual Computing 2019
Apr, 20192 papers accepted to appear in CVPR Workshops 2019
Mar, 20192 papers accepted to appear in MVA 2019
Feb, 2019Site renewal and created Laboratory webpage
Feb, 2019I will be giving an invited talk at the JST CREST HCI for Machine Learning Symposium
Feb, 2019I will be giving an invited talk at the CGVI 第173回研究発表会
Nov, 2018I have been selected as a ナイスステップな研究者 by the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP).
Sep, 2018I have joined Waseda University as an Assistant Professor.
Aug, 2018I have recieved the MIRU2018 outstanding reviewer award.
Jun, 2018Da Vinci dataset made public.
May, 20182 papers accepted to appear in 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU2018)
May, 2018I will be giving invited talks on sketch simplification and inking at the Visual Computing 2018
Apr, 2018Smart Inker accepted to SIGGRAPH 2018
Apr, 2018I have become a JST Sakigake Researcher.
Mar, 20181 paper accepted to appear in CGI 2018
Feb, 2018Image completion source code released
Jan, 2018I will be giving an invited talk at the The Deep Learning Workshop 2018
Jan, 2018Mastering Sketching accepted to Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
Jan, 2018I will be giving an invited talk at the 3D Forum
Oct, 2017Best paper award at ICCV-CVF 2017
Sep, 2017I have been selected for JST PRESTO
Sep, 2017Awarded the BarcelonaTech 2017 Special Doctoral Award
Aug, 20171 paper accepted to appear in ACPR 2017
Aug, 20173 papers accepted to appear in ICCV Computer Vision For Fashion Workshop
Jun, 2017Inpainting work featured in TV TOKYO World Business Satellite (Japanese)
May, 20171 paper accepted to appear in 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU2017)
May, 2017I will be giving an invited talk at the Workshop on E-Commerce and Entertainment Computing (ECEC)
May, 20171 paper accepted to appear in ICIP 2017
May, 20172 papers accepted to appear in Visual Computing / グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム
Apr, 2017Image completion paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2017
Apr, 2017I will be giving an tutorial at 42nd Optical Symposium
Mar, 2017I will be giving an tutorial at Computer Graphics International 2017
Feb, 20171 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2017
Feb, 20171 paper accepted to appear in MVA 2017
Nov, 2016I have been selected for JST ACT-I
Nov, 2016Colorization work featured in Fuji TV's Tokudane! (Japanese)
Oct, 2016Image colorization demo made public
Oct, 2016Colorization research awarded the Innovative Technologies2016 CULTURE Award
Oct, 2016I will be giving an invited talk at the 3rd Fall Meeting of Federation of Imaging Societies
Oct, 2016
Sep, 2016Colorization work has been selected at Innovative Technologies 2016
Sep, 2016Sketch simplification demo made public
Aug, 2016
Aug, 2016Colorization work featured in TV TOKYO World Business Satellite (Japanese)
Jul, 2016I will be giving an invited talk at the DCAJ Presentation session at SIGGRAPH 2016
Jul, 20163 papers accepted to appear in ICPR 2016
Jun, 2016Fashion in 128 floats source code released
Jun, 2016Colorization model employed in the Yomiuri Shimbun 50 Year Beatles Concert website (Japanese)
Jun, 2016Colorization work featured on the first page of the Nikkei Newspaper (Japanese)
Jun, 2016Colorization work featured in Nippon TV NEWS24 (Japanese)
Jun, 2016Colorization work featured in Fuji Television Minna no News
Jun, 2016I will be giving an invited talk at MIRU2016
May, 2016Our research has been featured on the Waseda University homepage (Japanese)
May, 2016My fashion research has been featured in the Sensors Magazine (Japanese)
May, 2016I will be giving an invited talk at Visual Computing 2016
Apr, 2016Colorization source code released
Mar, 2016Sketch simplification paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2016
Mar, 2016Colorization paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2016
Mar, 20161 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2016
Mar, 20161 paper accepted to appear in NAACL-HLT 2016
Feb, 2016Deep descriptor source code released
Oct, 2015
Sep, 2015Fashion144k dataset released
Sep, 20151 paper accepted to appear in ICCV 2015
Aug, 2015I have joined Waseda University as a junior researcher
Jul, 2015I have successfully defended my PhD thesis
Jun, 2015Our work on fashionability has been picked up by New Scientist
May, 2015Best paper award at MVA 2015
Mar, 20151 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2015
Feb, 20151 paper accepted to appear in MVA 2015
Jan, 20151 paper accepted to appear in ICRA 2015
Jan, 2015I will spend 4 months this spring (2015) at the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Yoshihiko Nakamura
Jan, 2015DaLI descriptor accepted to International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) and source code released
Dec, 2014Clothes parsing source code released
Sep, 2014GFMM source code released
Sep, 20141 paper accepted to appear in ACCV 2014
Jul, 20141 paper accepted to appear in BMVC 2014
Jan, 2014I will spend 4 months this summer (2014) at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Raquel Urtasun
Dec, 2013Kinematic Synthesis project completed with the acceptance of our paper in MAMT
Mar, 20131 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2013
Mar, 2013I will spend 2 months this summer (2013) at the TTIC under the supervision of Raquel Urtasun
Mar, 20121 paper accepted to appear in CVPR 2012