Introduction to C Programming

Class Information

  • Instructor: Edgar SIMO-SERRA
  • Dates: Oct, 2022〜Jan, 2023
  • Lectures: Monday, 4th Period (15:05〜16:45)
  • Room: Online
  • E-mail:
At the moment, the class is planned to be held dominantly in-person as normal.
Depending on the evolution of the corona virus, details are subject to change.


This course focuses on learning the basics of programming with the C programming language. Fundamentals of the Linux operating system are also expected to be acquired. No assumption of previous programming knowledge is required.

This class is fundamental a hands-on programming course. Each week a short explanation is given with regarding a single core concept, afterwards students are given simple related programming exercises to hand-in.

Class Organization

Each week of class will consist of roughly the following content:

  1. Short video to watch explaining the week’s new concepts
  2. 1 hour interactive session with TA support (assistance is optional, but highly recommended)
  3. Homework to hand-in with 2 week deadline
  4. Offline Q&A support


  1. Lecture Overview slides
  2. Unix Usage slides
  3. Programming Basics slides
  4. Floating Point slides
  5. Branching slides
  6. Loops I slides
  7. Loops II slides
  8. Arrays, Preprocessor slides
  9. Random Numbers, Math Libraries slides
  10. Pointers slides
  11. More Pointers slides
  12. Characters, Strings slides
  13. File Input/Output slides
  14. Structures slides
  15. Review slides