ACG: Individual Project

In this project, you will be making a fragment shader based on a topic. You will have to design a generative design function in the shader to procedurally generate a design, without using any textures.

The projects will be made publicly on the class website. You can opt to use your real name or a pseudonym to remain anonymous if you prefer.


This years topic is Sea Slugs! A diversity of marine gastropod moluscs or sea snails that either do not have shells or do not appear to have shells are known as sea slugs, with the most common family being that of nudibrachs. In general, they are small and have high toxicity. One of the cutest ones is the Costasiella kuroshimae known as “Sea Sheep” which are kleptoplastic, which means they eat algae and then store the chloroplasts to continue performing photosynthesis.


For the submission deadline please check Moodle!

Submit on Moodle (as a single Zip):

  1. Reference sea slug image
  2. Fragment shader code (use filename shader.glsl)

At the top of your shader please include a comment with:

  1. Name you want to appear with your shader (can be real name or pseudonym)
  2. 【optional】Scientific name of the sea slug


  • You can and probably should use the noise functions from webgl-noise
  • Computation speed is not an issue
  • Feel free to use any techniques either learned in class or elsewhere


You can edit and test your shader live here! To save your shader please click on the triangle icon in the bottom-right. Please note that your work here will not be saved! Make sure to download often or work offline and copy here to test!

// credit: jikihakase (will show up on website)
// sea slug: Costasiella kuroshimae
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
void main() {
   vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution.xy;
   float mask = 1.0;
   mask *= step( 0.3, distance( st.xy, vec2(0.5, 0.4) ) );
   mask *= step( 0.25, distance( st.xy, vec2(0.6, 0.7) ) );
   mask *= step( 0.25, distance( st.xy, vec2(0.4, 0.7) ) );
   colour_out = vec4( st.x, st.y, abs(sin(3.0*u_time)), 1.0 );
   colour_out *= 1.0-mask;

Some Examples of Sea Slugs