

CrystalNet: Texture-Aware Neural Refraction Baking for Global Illumination
CrystalNet: Texture-Aware Neural Refraction Baking for Global Illumination
Ziyang Zhang, Edgar Simo-Serra
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 2024
Neural rendering bakes global illumination and other computationally costly effects into the weights of a neural network, allowing to efficiently synthesize photorealistic images without relying on path tracing. In neural rendering approaches, G-buffers obtained from rasterization through direct rendering provide information regarding the scene such as position, normal, and textures to the neural network, achieving accurate and stable rendering quality in real-time. However, due to the use of G-buffers, existing methods struggle to accurately render transparency and refraction effects, as G-buffers do not capture any ray information from multiple light ray bounces. This limitation results in blurriness, distortions, and loss of detail in rendered images that contain transparency and refraction, and is particularly notable in scenes with refracted objects that have high-frequency textures. In this work, we propose a neural network architecture to encode critical rendering information, including texture coordinates from refracted rays, and enable reconstruction of high-frequency textures in areas with refraction. Our approach is able to achieves accurate refraction rendering in challenging scenes with a diversity of overlapping transparent objects. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can interactively render high quality refraction effects with global illumination, unlike existing neural rendering approaches.
   author    = {Ziyang Zhang and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{CrystalNet: Texture-Aware Neural Refraction Baking for Global Illumination}},
   journal   = {Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics)},
   year      = 2024,
Deep Sketch Vectorization via Implicit Surface Extraction
Deep Sketch Vectorization via Implicit Surface Extraction
Chuan Yan, Yong Li, Deepali Aneja, Matthew Fisher, Edgar Simo-Serra, Yotam Gingold
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2024
We introduce an algorithm for sketch vectorization with state-of-the-art accuracy and capable of handling complex sketches. We approach sketch vectorization as a surface extraction task from an unsigned distance field, which is implemented using a two-stage neural network and a dual contouring domain post processing algorithm. This word is normally spelled with a hyphen. The first stage consists of extracting unsigned distance fields from an input raster image. The second stage consists of an improved neural dual contouring network more robust to noisy input and more sensitive to line geometry. To address the issue of under-sampling inherent in grid-based surface extraction approaches, we explicitly predict undersampling and keypoint maps. These are used in our post-processing algorithm to resolve sharp features and multi-way junctions. The keypoint and undersampling maps are naturally controllable, which we demonstrate in an interactive topology refinement interface. Our proposed approach produces far more accurate vectorizations on complex input than previous approaches with efficient running time.
   author    = {Chuan Yan and Yong Li and Deepali Aneja and Matthew Fisher and Edgar Simo-Serra and Yotam Gingold},
   title     = {{Deep Sketch Vectorization via Implicit Surface Extraction}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2024,
   volume    = 43,
   number    = 4,
Neural Scene Baking for Permutation Invariant Transparency Rendering with Real-time Global Illumination
Ziyang Zhang, Edgar Simo-Serra
Computational Visual Media, 2024
Neural rendering provides a fundamentally new way to render photorealistic images. Similar to traditional light-baking methods, neural rendering utilizes neural networks to bake representations of scenes, materials, and lights into latent vectors learned from path-tracing ground truths. However, existing neural rendering algorithms typically use G-buffers to provide position, normal, and texture information of scenes, which are prone to occlusion by transparent surfaces, leading to distortions and loss of detail in the rendered images. To address this limitation, we propose a novel neural rendering pipeline that accurately renders the scene behind transparent surfaces with global illumination and variable scenes. Our method separates the G-buffers of opaque and transparent objects, retaining G-buffer information behind transparent objects. Additionally, to render the transparent objects with permutation invariance, we designed a new permutation-invariant neural blending function. We integrate our algorithm into an efficient custom renderer to achieve real-time performance. Our results show that our method is capable of rendering photorealistic images with variable scenes and viewpoints, accurately capturing complex transparent structures along with global illumination. Our renderer can achieve real-time performance (256x256 at 63 FPS and 512x512 at 32 FPS) on scenes with multiple variable transparent objects.
   author    = {Ziyang Zhang and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Deep Sketch Vectorization via Implicit Surface Extraction}},
   journal   = "Computational Visual Media",
   year      = 2024,
   volume    = "??",
   number    = "??",
Restoring Degraded Old Films with Recursive Recurrent Transformer Networks
Shan Lin, Edgar Simo-Serra
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2024
There exists a large number of old films that have not only artistic value but also historical significance. However, due to the degradation of analogue medium over time, old films often suffer from various deteriorations that make it difficult to restore them with existing approaches. In this work, we proposed a novel framework called Recursive Recurrent Transformer Network (RRTN) which is specifically designed for restoring degraded old films. Our approach introduces several key advancements, including a more accurate film noise mask estimation method, the utilization of second-order grid propagation and flow-guided deformable alignment, and the incorporation of a recursive structure to further improve the removal of challenging film noise. Through qualitative and quantitative evaluations, our approach demonstrates superior performance compared to existing approaches, effectively improving the restoration for difficult film noises that cannot be perfectly handled by existing approaches.
   author    = {Shan Lin and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Restoring Degraded Old Films with Recursive Recurrent Transformer Networks}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)",
   year      = 2024,


Diffusion-based Holistic Texture Rectification and Synthesis
Diffusion-based Holistic Texture Rectification and Synthesis
Guoqing Hao, Satoshi Iizuka, Kensho Hara, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Kazuhiro Fukui
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2023
We present a novel framework for rectifying occlusions and distortions in degraded texture samples from natural images. Traditional texture synthesis approaches focus on generating textures from pristine samples, which necessitate meticulous preparation by humans and are often unattainable in most natural images. These challenges stem from the frequent occlusions and distortions of texture samples in natural images due to obstructions and variations in object surface geometry. To address these issues, we propose a framework that synthesizes holistic textures from degraded samples in natural images, extending the applicability of exemplar-based texture synthesis techniques. Our framework utilizes a conditional Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) with a novel occlusion-aware latent transformer. This latent transformer not only effectively encodes texture features from partially-observed samples necessary for the generation process of the LDM, but also explicitly captures long-range dependencies in samples with large occlusions. To train our model, we introduce a method for generating synthetic data by applying geometric transformations and free-form mask generation to clean textures. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework significantly outperforms existing methods both quantitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, we conduct comprehensive ablation studies to validate the different components of our proposed framework. Results are corroborated by a perceptual user study which highlights the efficiency of our proposed approach.
   author    = {Guoqing Hao and Satoshi Iizuka and Kensho Hara and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hirokatsu Kataoka and Kazuhiro Fukui},
   title     = {{Diffusion-based Holistic Texture Rectification and Synthesis}},
   booktitle = "ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers",
   year      = 2023,
Data-Driven Ink Painting Brushstroke Rendering
Data-Driven Ink Painting Brushstroke Rendering
Koki Madono, Edgar Simo-Serra
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 2023
Although digital painting has advanced much in recent years, there is still a significant divide between physically drawn paintings and purely digitally drawn paintings. These differences arise due to the physical interactions between the brush, ink, and paper, which are hard to emulate in the digital domain. Most ink painting approaches have focused on either using heuristics or physical simulation to attempt to bridge the gap between digital and analog, however, these approaches are still unable to capture the diversity of painting effects, such as ink fading or blotting, found in the real world. In this work, we propose a data-driven approach to generate ink paintings based on a semi-automatically collected high-quality real-world ink painting dataset. We use a multi-camera robot-based setup to automatically create a diversity of ink paintings, which allows for capturing the entire process in high resolution, including capturing detailed brush motions and drawing results. To ensure high-quality capture of the painting process, we calibrate the setup and perform occlusion-aware blending to capture all the strokes in high resolution in a robust and efficient way. Using our new dataset, we propose a recursive deep learning-based model to reproduce the ink paintings stroke by stroke while capturing complex ink painting effects such as bleeding and mixing. Our results corroborate the fidelity of the proposed approach to real hand-drawn ink paintings in comparison with existing approaches. We hope the availability of our dataset will encourage new research on digital realistic ink painting techniques.
   author    = {Koki Madono and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Data-Driven Ink Painting Brushstroke Rendering}},
   journal   = {Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics)},
   year      = 2023,
Neural Global Illumination for Permutation Invariant Transparency
Ziyang Zhang, Edgar Simo-Serra
Visual Computing (ショートオーラル), 2023
Recursive Recurrent Transformer Network for Degraded Film Restoration
Shan Lin, Edgar Simo-Serra
Visual Computing (ショートオーラル), 2023
Diffusion-based Holistic Texture Rectification and Synthesis
Guoqing Hao, Satoshi Iizuka, Kensho Hara, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Kazuhiro Fukui
Visual Computing (ロングオーラル), 2023
Using Unconditional Diffusion Models in Level Generation for Super Mario Bros.
Hyeon Joon Lee, Edgar Simo-Serra
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2023
This study introduces a novel methodology for generating levels in the iconic video game Super Mario Bros. using a diffusion model based on a UNet architecture. The model is trained on existing levels, represented as a categorical distribution, to accurately capture the game’s fundamental mechanics and design principles. The proposed approach demonstrates notable success in producing high-quality and diverse levels, with a significant proportion being playable by an artificial agent. This research emphasizes the potential of diffusion models as an efficient tool for procedural content generation and highlights their potential impact on the development of new video games and the enhancement of existing games through generated content.
   author    = {Hyeon Joon Lee and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Using Unconditional Diffusion Models in Level Generation for Super Mario Bros.}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)",
   year      = 2023,
Towards Flexible Multi-modal Document Models
Towards Flexible Multi-modal Document Models
Naoto Inoue, Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
Creative workflows for generating graphical documents involve complex inter-related tasks, such as aligning elements, choosing appropriate fonts, or employing aesthetically harmonious colors. In this work, we attempt at building a holistic model that can jointly solve many different design tasks. Our model, which we denote by FlexDM, treats vector graphic documents as a set of multi-modal elements, and learns to predict masked fields such as element type, position, styling attributes, image, or text, using a unified architecture. Through the use of explicit multi-task learning and in-domain pre-training, our model can better capture the multi-modal relationships among the different document fields. Experimental results corroborate that our single FlexDM is able to successfully solve a multitude of different design tasks, while achieving performance that is competitive with task-specific and costly baselines.
   title     = {{Towards Flexible Multi-modal Document Models}},
   author    = {Naoto Inoue and Kotaro Kikuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Mayu Otani and Kota Yamaguchi},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2023,
LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation
LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation
Naoto Inoue, Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
Controllable layout generation aims at synthesizing plausible arrangement of element bounding boxes with optional constraints, such as type or position of a specific element. In this work, we try to solve a broad range of layout generation tasks in a single model that is based on discrete state-space diffusion models. Our model, named LayoutDM, naturally handles the structured layout data in the discrete representation and learns to progressively infer a noiseless layout from the initial input, where we model the layout corruption process by modality-wise discrete diffusion. For conditional generation, we propose to inject layout constraints in the form of masking or logit adjustment during inference. We show in the experiments that our LayoutDM successfully generates high-quality layouts and outperforms both task-specific and task-agnostic baselines on several layout tasks.
   title     = {{LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation}},
   author    = {Naoto Inoue and Kotaro Kikuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Mayu Otani and Kota Yamaguchi},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2023,
Diffusart: Enhancing Line Art Colorization with Conditional Diffusion Models
Hernan Carrillo, Michaël Clément, Aurélie Bugeau, Edgar Simo-Serra
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023
Colorization of line art drawings is an important task in illustration and animation workflows. However, this highly laborious process is mainly done manually, limiting the creative productivity. This paper presents a novel interactive approach for line art colorization using conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs). In our proposed approach, the user provides initial color strokes for colorizing the line art. The strokes are then integrated into the conditional DPM-based colorization process by means of a coupled implicit and explicit conditioning strategy to generates diverse and high-quality colorized images. We evaluate our proposal and show it outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches using the FID, LPIPS and SSIM metrics.
   author    = {Hernan Carrillo and Micha\"el Cl/'ement and Aur\'elie Bugeau and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Diffusart: Enhancing Line Art Colorization with Conditional Diffusion Models}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2023,
Controllable Multi-domain Semantic Artwork Synthesis
Controllable Multi-domain Semantic Artwork Synthesis
Yuantian Huang, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Kazuhiro Fukui
Computational Visual Media, 2023
We present a novel framework for multi-domain synthesis of artwork from semantic layouts. One of the main limitations of this challenging task is the lack of publicly available segmentation datasets for art synthesis. To address this problem, we propose a dataset, which we call ArtSem, that contains 40,000 images of artwork from 4 different domains with their corresponding semantic label maps. We generate the dataset by first extracting semantic maps from landscape photography and then propose a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based approach to generate high-quality artwork from the semantic maps without necessitating paired training data. Furthermore, we propose an artwork synthesis model that uses domain-dependent variational encoders for high-quality multi-domain synthesis. The model is improved and complemented with a simple but effective normalization method, based on normalizing both the semantic and style jointly, which we call Spatially STyle-Adaptive Normalization (SSTAN). In contrast to previous methods that only take semantic layout as input, our model is able to learn a joint representation of both style and semantic information, which leads to better generation quality for synthesizing artistic images. Results indicate that our model learns to separate the domains in the latent space, and thus, by identifying the hyperplanes that separate the different domains, we can also perform fine-grained control of the synthesized artwork. By combining our proposed dataset and approach, we are able to generate user-controllable artwork that is of higher quality than existing approaches, as corroborated by both quantitative metrics and a user study.
   title     = {{Controllable Multi-domain Semantic Artwork Synthesis}},
   author    = {Yuantian Huang and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Kazuhiro Fukui},
   journal   = "Computational Visual Media",
   year      = 2023,
   volume    = 39,
   number    = 2,
Generative Colorization of Structured Mobile Web Pages
Kotaro Kikuchi, Naoto Inoue, Mayo Otani, Edgar Simo-Serra, Kota Yamaguchi
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2023
Color is a critical design factor for web pages, affecting important factors such as viewer emotions and the overall trust and satisfaction of a website. Effective coloring re- quires design knowledge and expertise, but if this process could be automated through data-driven modeling, efficient exploration and alternative workflows would be possible. However, this direction remains underexplored due to the lack of a formalization of the web page colorization prob- lem, datasets, and evaluation protocols. In this work, we propose a new dataset consisting of e-commerce mobile web pages in a tractable format, which are created by simplify- ing the pages and extracting canonical color styles with a common web browser. The web page colorization problem is then formalized as a task of estimating plausible color styles for a given web page content with a given hierarchical structure of the elements. We present several Transformer- based methods that are adapted to this task by prepending structural message passing to capture hierarchical relation- ships between elements. Experimental results, including a quantitative evaluation designed for this task, demonstrate the advantages of our methods over statistical and image colorization methods.
   author    = {Kotaro Kikuchi and Naoto Inoue and Mayo Otani and Edgar Simo-Serra and Kota Yamaguchi},
   title     = {{Generative Colorization of Structured Mobile Web Pages}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)",
   year      = 2023,


Image Synthesis-based Late Stage Cancer Augmentation and Semi-Supervised Segmentation for MRI Rectal Cancer Staging
Saeko Sasuga, Akira Kudo, Yoshiro Kitamura, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Atsushi Hamabe, Masayuki Ishii, Ichiro Takemasa
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (MICCAIW), 2022
Rectal cancer is one of the most common diseases and a major cause of mortality. For deciding rectal cancer treatment plans, T- staging is important. However, evaluating the index from preoperative MRI images requires high radiologists’ skill and experience. Therefore, the aim of this study is to segment the mesorectum, rectum, and rectal cancer region so that the system can predict T-stage from segmentation results. Generally, shortage of large and diverse dataset and high quality an- notation are known to be the bottlenecks in computer aided diagnos- tics development. Regarding rectal cancer, advanced cancer images are very rare, and per-pixel annotation requires high radiologists’ skill and time. Therefore, it is not feasible to collect comprehensive disease pat- terns in a training dataset. To tackle this, we propose two kinds of ap- proaches of image synthesis-based late stage cancer augmentation and semi-supervised learning which is designed for T-stage prediction. In the image synthesis data augmentation approach, we generated advanced cancer images from labels. The real cancer labels were deformed to re- semble advanced cancer labels by artificial cancer progress simulation. Next, we introduce a T-staging loss which enables us to train segmen- tation models from per-image T-stage labels. The loss works to keep inclusion/invasion relationships between rectum and cancer region con- sistent to the ground truth T-stage. The verification tests show that the proposed method obtains the best sensitivity (0.76) and specificity (0.80) in distinguishing between over T3 stage and underT2. In the ab- lation studies, our semi-supervised learning approach with the T-staging loss improved specificity by 0.13. Adding the image synthesis-based data augmentation improved the DICE score of invasion cancer area by 0.08 from baseline. We expect that this rectal cancer staging AI can help doctors to diagnose cancer staging accurately.
   author    = {Saeko Sasuga and Akira Kudo and Yoshiro Kitamura and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Atsushi Hamabe and Masayuki Ishii and Ichiro Takemasa},
   title     = {{Image Synthesis-based Late Stage Cancer Augmentation and Semi-Supervised Segmentation for MRI Rectal Cancer Staging}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (MICCAIW)",
   year      = 2022,
PIFE: Permutation Invariant Feature Extractor for Danmaku Games
Takuto Itoi, Edgar Simo-Serra
Conference on Games (CoG, Short Oral), 2022
Dealing with unstructured complex patterns provides a challenge to existing reinforcement patterns. In this research, we propose a new model to overcome the difficulty in challenging danmaku games. Touhou Project is one of the best-known games in the bullet hell genre also known as danmaku, where a player has to dodge complex patterns of bullets on the screen. Furthermore, the agent needs to react to the environment in real-time, which made existing methods having difficulties processing the high-volume data of objects; bullets, enemies, etc. We introduce an environment for the Touhou Project game 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View which manipulates the memory of the running game and enables to control the character. However, the game state information consists of unstructured and unordered data not amenable for training existing reinforcement learning models, as they are not invariant to order changes in the input. To overcome this issue, we propose a new pooling-based reinforcement learning approach that is able to handle permutation invariant inputs by extracting abstract values and merging them in an order-independent way. Experimental results corroborate the effectiveness of our approach which shows significantly increased scores compared to existing baseline approaches.
   author    = {Takuto Itoi and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{PIFE: Permutation Invariant Feature Extractor for Danmaku Games}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Games (CoG, Short Oral)",
   year      = 2022,
Towards Universal Multi-Modal Layout Models
Naoto Inoue, Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
第22回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、ロングオーラル), 2022


Constrained Graphic Layout Generation via Latent Optimization
Constrained Graphic Layout Generation via Latent Optimization
Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2021
It is common in graphic design humans visually arrange various elements according to their design intent and semantics. For example, a title text almost always appears on top of other elements in a document. In this work, we generate graphic layouts that can flexibly incorporate such design semantics, either specified implicitly or explicitly by a user. We optimize using the latent space of an off-the-shelf layout generation model, allowing our approach to be complementary to and used with existing layout generation models. Our approach builds on a generative layout model based on a Transformer architecture, and formulates the layout generation as a constrained optimization problem where design constraints are used for element alignment, overlap avoidance, or any other user-specified relationship. We show in the experiments that our approach is capable of generating realistic layouts in both constrained and unconstrained generation tasks with a single model.
   author    = {Kotaro Kikuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Mayu Otani and Kota Yamaguchi},
   title     = {{Constrained Graphic Layout Generation via Latent Optimization}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM)",
   year      = 2021,
Modeling Visual Containment for Web Page Layout Optimization
Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 2021
Web pages have become fundamental in conveying information for companies and individuals, yet designing web page layouts remains a challenging task for inexperienced individuals despite web builders and templates. Visual containment, in which elements are grouped together and placed inside container elements, is an efficient design strategy for organizing elements in a limited display, and is widely implemented in most web page designs. Yet, visual containment has not been explicitly addressed in the research on generating layouts from scratch, which may be due to the lack of hierarchical structure. In this work, we represent such visual containment as a layout tree, and formulate the layout design task as a hierarchical optimization problem. We first estimate the layout tree from a given a set of elements, which is then used to compute tree-aware energies corresponding to various desirable design properties such as alignment or spacing. Using an optimization approach also allows our method to naturally incorporate user intentions and create an interactive web design application. We obtain a dataset of diverse and popular real-world web designs to optimize and evaluate various aspects of our method. Experimental results show that our method generates better quality layouts compared to the baseline method.
   author    = {Kotaro Kikuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Mayu Otani and Kota Yamaguchi},
   title     = {{Modeling Visual Containment for Web Page Layout Optimization}},
   journal   = {Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics)},
   year      = 2021,
Exploring Latent Space for Constrained Layout Generation
Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
Visual Computing (ロングオーラル), 2021
Hierarchical Layout Optimization with Containment-aware Parameterization
Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi
Visual Computing (ロングオーラル), 2021
Item Management Using Attention Mechanism and Meta Actions in Roguelike Games
Keisuki Izumiya, Edgar Simo-Serra
Visual Computing (ロングオーラル), 2021
General Virtual Sketching Framework for Vector Line Art
General Virtual Sketching Framework for Vector Line Art
Haoran Mo, Edgar Simo-Serra, Chengying Gao, Changqing Zou, Ruomei Wang
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2021
Vector line art plays an important role in graphic design, however, it is tedious to manually create. We introduce a general framework to produce line drawings from a wide variety of images, by learning a mapping from raster image space to vector image space. Our approach is based on a recurrent neural network that draws the lines one by one. A differentiable rasterization module allows for training with only supervised raster data. We use a dynamic window around a virtual pen while drawing lines, implemented with a proposed aligned cropping and differentiable pasting modules. Furthermore, we develop a stroke regularization loss that encourages the model to use fewer and longer strokes to simplify the resulting vector image. Ablation studies and comparisons with existing methods corroborate the efficiency of our approach which is able to generate visually better results in less computation time, while generalizing better to a diversity of images and applications.
   author    = {Haoran Mo and Edgar Simo-Serra and Chengying Gao and Changqing Zou and Ruomei Wang},
   title     = {{General Virtual Sketching Framework for Vector Line Art}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2021,
   volume    = 40,
   number    = 4,
High-quality Multi-domain Artwork Generation from Semantic Layouts
Yuantian Huang, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Kazuhiro Fukui
画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、ショートオーラル), 2021
Unsupervised Deep Fisheye Image Rectification Approach using Coordinate Relations
Masaki Hosono, Edgar Simo-Serra, Tomonari Sonoda
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2021
With the ascent of wearable camera, dashcam, and autonomous vehicle technology, fisheye lens cameras are becoming more widespread. Unlike regular cameras, the videos and images taken with fisheye lens suffer from significant lens distortion, thus having detrimental effects on image processing algorithms. When the camera parameters are known, it is straight-forward to correct the distortion, however, without known camera parameters, distortion correction becomes a non-trivial task. While learning-based approaches exist, they rely on complex datasets and have limited generalization. In this work, we propose a CNN-based approach that can be trained with readily available data. We exploit the fact that relationships between pixel coordinates remain stable after homogeneous distortions to design an efficient rectification model. Experiments performed on the cityscapes dataset show the effectiveness of our approach.
   author    = {Masaki Hosono and Edgar Simo-Serra and Tomonari Sonoda},
   title     = {{Unsupervised Deep Fisheye Image Rectification Approach using Coordinate Relations}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)",
   year      = 2021,
Inventory Managament with Attention-Based Meta Actions
Inventory Managament with Attention-Based Meta Actions
Keisuke Izumiya, Edgar Simo-Serra
Conference on Games (CoG), 2021
Roguelike games are a challenging environment for Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms due to having to restart the game from the beginning when losing, randomized procedural generation, and proper use of in-game items being essential to success. While recent research has proposed roguelike environments for RL algorithms and proposed models to handle this challenging task, to the best of our knowledge, none have dealt with the elephant in the room, i.e., handling of items. Items play a fundamental role in roguelikes and are acquired during gameplay. However, being an unordered set with a non-fixed amount of elements which form part of the action space, it is not straightforward to incorporate them into an RL framework. In this work, we tackle the issue of having unordered sets be part of the action space and propose an attention-based mechanism that can select and deal with item-based actions. We also propose a model that can handle complex actions and items through a meta action framework and evaluate them on the challenging game of NetHack. Experimental results show that our approach is able to significantly outperform existing approaches.
   author    = {Keisuke Izumiya and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Inventory Managament with Attention-Based Meta Actions}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Games (CoG)",
   year      = 2021,
User-Guided Line Art Flat Filling with Split Filling Mechanism
User-Guided Line Art Flat Filling with Split Filling Mechanism
Lvmin Zhang, Chengze Li, Edgar Simo-Serra, Yi Ji, Tien-Tsin Wong, Chunping Liu
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021
Flat filling is a critical step in digital artistic content creation with the objective of filling line arts with flat colours. We present a deep learning framework for user-guided line art flat filling that can compute the "influence areas" of the user colour scribbles, i.e., the areas where the user scribbles should propagate and influence. This framework explicitly controls such scribble influence areas for artists to manipulate the colours of image details and avoid colour leakage/contamination between scribbles, and simultaneously, leverages data-driven colour generation to facilitate content creation. This framework is based on a Split Filling Mechanism (SFM), which first splits the user scribbles into individual groups and then independently processes the colours and influence areas of each group with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Learned from more than a million illustrations, the framework can estimate the scribble influence areas in a content-aware manner, and can smartly generate visually pleasing colours to assist the daily works of artists. We show that our proposed framework is easy to use, allowing even amateurs to obtain professional-quality results on a wide variety of line arts.
   author    = {Lvmin Zhang and Chengze Li and Edgar Simo-Serra and Yi Ji and Tien-Tsin Wong and Chunping Liu},
   title     = {{User-Guided Line Art Flat Filling with Split Filling Mechanism}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2021,
Line Art Colorization with Concatenated Spatial Attention
Mingcheng Yuan, Edgar Simo-Serra
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2021
Line art plays a fundamental role in illustration and design, and allows for iteratively polishing designs. However, as they lack color, they can have issues in conveying final designs. In this work, we propose an interactive colorization approach based on a conditional generative adversarial network that takes both the line art and color hints as inputs to produce a high-quality colorized image. Our approach is based on a U-net architecture with a multi-discriminator framework. We propose a Concatenation and Spatial Attention module that is able to generate more consistent and higher quality of line art colorization from user given hints. We evaluate on a large-scale illustration dataset and comparison with existing approaches corroborate the effectiveness of our approach.
   author    = {Mingcheng Yuan and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Line Art Colorization with Concatenated Spatial Attention}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2021,
LoL-V2T: Large-Scale Esports Video Description Dataset
Tsunehiko Tanaka, Edgar Simo-Serra
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2021
Esports is a fastest-growing new field with a largely online-presence, and is creating a demand for automatic domain-specific captioning tools. However, at the current time, there are few approaches that tackle the esports video description problem. In this work, we propose a large-scale dataset for esports video description, focusing on the popular game "League of Legends". The dataset, which we call LoL-V2T, is the largest video description dataset in the vldeo game domain, and includes 9,723 clips with 62,677 captions. This new dataset presents multiple new video captioning challenges such as large amounts of domain-specific vocabulary, subtle motions with large importance, and a temporal gap between most captions and the events that occurred. In order to tackle the issue of vocabulary, we propose a masking the domain-specific words and provide additional annotations for this. In our results, we show that the dataset poses a challenge to existing video captioning approaches, and the masking can significantly improve performance.
   author    = {Tsunehiko Tanaka and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{LoL-V2T: Large-Scale Esports Video Description Dataset}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2021,
Differentiable Rendering-based Pose-Conditioned Human Image Generation
Yusuke Horiuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2021
Conditional human image generation, or generation of human images with specified pose based on one or more reference images, is an inherently ill-defined problem, as there can be multiple plausible appearance for parts that are occluded in the reference. Using multiple images can mitigate this problem while boosting the performance. In this work, we introduce a differentiable vertex and edge renderer for incorporating the pose information to realize human image generation conditioned on multiple reference images. The differentiable renderer has parameters that can be jointly optimized with other parts of the system to obtain better results by learning more meaningful shape representation of human pose. We evaluate our method on the Market-1501 and DeepFashion datasets and comparison with existing approaches validates the effectiveness of our approach.
   author    = {Yusuke Horiuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Differentiable Rendering-based Pose-Conditioned Human Image Generation}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2021,


P²Net: A Post-Processing Network for Refining Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Cloud based on Consistency of Consecutive Frames
Yutaka Momma, Weimin Wang, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hiroshi Ishikawa
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2020
We present a lightweight post-processing method to refine the semantic segmentation results of point cloud sequences. Most existing methods usually segment frame by frame and encounter the inherent ambiguity of the problem: based on a measurement in a single frame, labels are sometimes difficult to predict even for humans. To remedy this problem, we propose to explicitly train a network to refine these results predicted by an existing segmentation method. The network, which we call the P²Net, learns the consistency constraints between "coincident" points from consecutive frames after registration. We evaluate the proposed post-processing method both qualitatively and quantitatively on the SemanticKITTI dataset that consists of real outdoor scenes. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by comparing the results predicted by two representative networks with and without the refinement by the post-processing network. Specifically, qualitative visualization validates the key idea that labels of the points that are difficult to predict can be corrected with P²NNet. Quantitatively, overall mIoU is improved from 10.5% to 11.7% for PointNet and from 10.8% to 15.9% for PointNet++.
   author    = {Yutaka Momma and Weimin Wang and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Ryosuke Nakamura and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{P²Net: A Post-Processing Network for Refining Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Cloud based on Consistency of Consecutive Frames}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)",
   year      = 2020,
Automatic Segmentation, Localization and Identification of Vertebrae in 3D CT Images Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
Automatic Segmentation, Localization and Identification of Vertebrae in 3D CT Images Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
Naoto Masuzawa, Yoshiro Kitamura, Keigo Nakamura, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020
This paper presents a method for automatic segmentation, localization, and identification of vertebrae in arbitrary 3D CT images. Many previous works do not perform the three tasks simultaneously even though requiring a priori knowledge of which part of the anatomy is visible in the 3D CT images. Our method tackles all these tasks in a single multi-stage framework without any assumptions. In the first stage, we train a 3D Fully Convolutional Networks to find the bounding box of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. In the second stage, we train an iterative 3D Fully Convolutional Networks to segment individual vertebrae in the bounding box. The input to the second network has an auxiliary channel in addition to the 3D CT images. Given the segmented vertebrae regions in the auxiliary channel, the network output the next vertebra. The proposed method is evaluated in terms of segmentation, localization and identification accuracy with two public datasets of 15 3D CT images from the MICCAI CSI 2014 workshop challenge and 302 3D CT images with various pathologies. Our method achieved a mean Dice score of 96%, a mean localization error of 8.3 mm, and a mean identification rate of 84%. In summary, our method achieved better performance than all existing works in all the three metrics.
   author    = {Naoto Masuzawa and Yoshiro Kitamura and Keigo Nakamura and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Automatic Segmentation, Localization and Identification of Vertebrae in 3D CT Images Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)",
   year      = 2020,
TopNet: Topology Preserving Metric Learning for Vessel Tree Reconstruction and Labelling
TopNet: Topology Preserving Metric Learning for Vessel Tree Reconstruction and Labelling
Deepak Keshwani, Yoshiro Kitamura, Satoshi Ihara, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020
Reconstructing Portal Vein and Hepatic Vein trees from contrast enhanced abdominal CT scans is a prerequisite for preoperative liver surgery simulation. Existing deep learning based methods treat vascular tree reconstruction as a semantic segmentation problem. However, vessels such as hepatic and portal vein look very similar locally and need to be traced to their source for robust label assignment. Therefore, semantic segmentation by looking at local 3D patch results in noisy misclassifications. To tackle this, we propose a novel multi-task deep learning architecture for vessel tree reconstruction. The network architecture simultaneously solves the task of detecting voxels on vascular centerlines (i.e. nodes) and estimates connectivity between center-voxels (edges) in the tree structure to be reconstructed. Further, we propose a novel connectivity metric which considers both inter-class distance and intra-class topological distance between center-voxel pairs. Vascular trees are reconstructed starting from the vessel source using the learned connectivity metric using the shortest path tree algorithm. A thorough evaluation on public IRCAD dataset shows that the proposed method considerably outperforms existing semantic segmentation based methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep learning based approach which learns multi-label tree structure connectivity from images.
   author    = {Deepak Keshwani and Yoshiro Kitamura and Satoshi Ihara and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{TopNet: Topology Preserving Metric Learning for Vessel Tree Reconstruction and Labelling}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)",
   year      = 2020,
Two-stage Discriminative Re-ranking for Large-scale Landmark Retrieval
Two-stage Discriminative Re-ranking for Large-scale Landmark Retrieval
Shuhei Yokoo, Kohei Ozaki, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2020
We propose an efficient pipeline for large-scale landmark image retrieval that addresses the diversity of the dataset through two-stage discriminative re-ranking. Our approach is based on embedding the images in a feature-space using a convolutional neural network trained with a cosine softmax loss. Due to the variance of the images, which include extreme viewpoint changes such as having to retrieve images of the exterior of a landmark from images of the interior, this is very challenging for approaches based exclusively on visual similarity. Our proposed re-ranking approach improves the results in two steps: in the sort-step, k-nearest neighbor search with soft-voting to sort the retrieved results based on their label similarity to the query images, and in the insert-step, we add additional samples from the dataset that were not retrieved by image-similarity. This approach allows overcoming the low visual diversity in retrieved images. In-depth experimental results show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms existing approaches on the challenging Google Landmarks Datasets. Using our methods, we achieved 1st place in the Google Landmark Retrieval 2019 challenge on Kaggle.
   author    = {Shuhei Yokoo and Kohei Ozaki and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka},
   title     = {{Two-stage Discriminative Re-ranking for Large-scale Landmark Retrieval}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2020,
Generating Digital Painting Lighting Effects via RGB-space Geometry
Generating Digital Painting Lighting Effects via RGB-space Geometry
Lvmin Zhang, Edgar Simo-Serra, Yi Ji, Chunping Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH), 2020
We present an algorithm to generate digital painting lighting effects from a single image. Our algorithm is based on a key observation: artists use many overlapping strokes to paint lighting effects, i.e., pixels with dense stroke history tend to gather more illumination strokes. Based on this observation, we design an algorithm to both estimate the density of strokes in a digital painting using color geometry, and then generate novel lighting effects by mimicking artists' coarse-to-fine workflow. Coarse lighting effects are first generated using a wave transform, and then retouched according to the stroke density of the original illustrations into usable lighting effects.
Our algorithm is content-aware, with generated lighting effects naturally adapting to image structures, and can be used as an interactive tool to simplify current labor-intensive workflows for generating lighting effects for digital and matte paintings. In addition, our algorithm can also produce usable lighting effects for photographs or 3D rendered images. We evaluate our approach with both an in-depth qualitative and a quantitative analysis which includes a perceptual user study. Results show that our proposed approach is not only able to produce favorable lighting effects with respect to existing approaches, but also that it is able to significantly reduce the needed interaction time.
   author    = {Lvmin Zhang and Edgar Simo-Serra and Yi Ji and Chunping Liu},
   title     = {{Generating Digital Painting Lighting Effects via RGB-space Geometry}},
   journal   = "Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2020,
   volume    = 39,
   number    = 2,


DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement
DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement
Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2019
The remastering of vintage film comprises of a diversity of sub-tasks including super-resolution, noise removal, and contrast enhancement which aim to restore the deteriorated film medium to its original state. Additionally, due to the technical limitations of the time, most vintage film is either recorded in black and white, or has low quality colors, for which colorization becomes necessary. In this work, we propose a single framework to tackle the entire remastering task semi-interactively. Our work is based on temporal convolutional neural networks with attention mechanisms trained on videos with data-driven deterioration simulation. Our proposed source-reference attention allows the model to handle an arbitrary number of reference color images to colorize long videos without the need for segmentation while maintaining temporal consistency. Quantitative analysis shows that our framework outperforms existing approaches, and that, in contrast to existing approaches, the performance of our framework increases with longer videos and more reference color images.
   author    = {Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia)",
   year      = 2019,
   volume    = 38,
   number    = 6,
Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-shot Virtual Try-On
Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-shot Virtual Try-On
Kotaro Kikuchi, Kota Yamaguchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Tetsunori Kobayashi
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2019
Spatially placing an object onto a background is an essential operation in graphic design and facilitates many different applications such as virtual try-on. The placing operation is formulated as a geometric inference problem for given foreground and background images, and has been approached by spatial transformer architecture.In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective regularization technique to guide the geometric parameters based on user-defined trust regions. Our approach stabilizes the training process of spatial transformer networks and achieves a high-quality prediction with single-shot inference. Our proposed method is independent of initial parameters, and can easily incorporate various priors to prevent different types of trivial solutions. Empirical evaluation with the Abstract Scenes and CelebA datasets shows that our approach achieves favorable results compared to baselines.
   author    = {Kotaro Kikuchi and Kota Yamaguchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Tetsunori Kobayashi},
   title     = {{Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-shot Virtual Try-On}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",
   year      = 2019,
Understanding the Effects of Pre-training for Object Detectors via Eigenspectrum
Understanding the Effects of Pre-training for Object Detectors via Eigenspectrum
Yosuke Shinya, Edgar Simo-Serra, Taiji Suzuki
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2019
ImageNet pre-training has been regarded as essential for training accurate object detectors for a long time. Recently, it has been shown that object detectors trained from randomly initialized weights can be on par with those fine-tuned from ImageNet pre-trained models. However, effect of pre-training and the differences caused by pre-training are still not fully understood. In this paper, we analyze the eigenspectrum dynamics of the covariance matrix of each feature map in object detectors. Based on our analysis on ResNet-50, Faster R-CNN with FPN, and Mask R-CNN, we show that object detectors trained from ImageNet pre-trained models and those trained from scratch behave differently from each other even if both object detectors have similar accuracy. Furthermore, we propose a method for automatically determining the widths (the numbers of channels) of object detectors based on the eigenspectrum. We train Faster R-CNN with FPN from randomly initialized weights, and show that our method can reduce ~27% of the parameters of ResNet-50 without increasing Multiply-Accumulate operations (MACs) and losing accuracy. Our results indicate that we should develop more appropriate methods for transferring knowledge from image classification to object detection (or other tasks).
   author    = {Yosuke Shinya and Edgar Simo-Serra and Taiji Suzuki},
   title     = {{Understanding the Effects of Pre-training for Object Detectors via Eigenspectrum}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",
   year      = 2019,
Virtual Thin Slice: 3D Conditional GAN-based Super-resolution for CT Slice Interval
Virtual Thin Slice: 3D Conditional GAN-based Super-resolution for CT Slice Interval
Akira Kudo, Yoshiro Kitamura, Yuanzhong Li, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (MICCAIW), 2019
Many CT slice images are stored with large slice intervals to reduce storage size in clinical practice. This leads to low resolution perpendicular to the slice images (i.e., z-axis), which is insufficient for 3D visualization or image analysis. In this paper, we present a novel architecture based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) with the goal of generating high resolution images of main body parts including head, chest, abdomen and legs. However, GANs are known to have a difficulty with generating a diversity of patterns due to a phenomena known as mode collapse. To overcome the lack of generated pattern variety, we propose to condition the discriminator on the different body parts. Furthermore, our generator networks are extended to be three dimensional fully convolutional neural networks, allowing for the generation of high resolution images from arbitrary fields of view. In our verification tests, we show that the proposed method obtains the best scores by PSNR/SSIM metrics and Visual Turing Test, allowing for accurate reproduction of the principle anatomy in high resolution. We expect that the proposed method contribute to effective utilization of the existing vast amounts of thick CT images stored in hospitals.
   author    = {Akira Kudo and Yoshiro Kitamura and Yuanzhong Li and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Virtual Thin Slice: 3D Conditional GAN-based Super-resolution for CT Slice Interval}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (MICCAIW)",
   year      = 2019,
Temporal Distance Matrices for Workout Form Assessment
Ryoji Ogata, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
第22回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、ショートオーラル), 2019
Regularizing Adversarial Training for Single-shot Object Placement
Kotaro Kikuchi, Kota Yamaguchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Tetsunori Kobayashi
第22回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、ショートオーラル), 2019
DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attentionを用いた動画のデジタルリマスター
飯塚 里志,シモセラ エドガー
Visual Computing / グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム(オーラル) [最優秀研究発表賞], 2019
Optimization-Based Data Generation for Photo Enhancement
Optimization-Based Data Generation for Photo Enhancement
Mayu Omiya*, Yusuke Horiuchi*, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa (*equal contribution)
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2019
The preparation of large amounts of high-quality training data has always been the bottleneck for the performance of supervised learning methods. It is especially time-consuming for complicated tasks such as photo enhancement. A recent approach to ease data annotation creates realistic training data automatically with optimization. In this paper, we improve upon this approach by learning image-similarity which, in combination with a Covariance Matrix Adaptation optimization method, allows us to create higher quality training data for enhancing photos. We evaluate our approach on challenging real world photo-enhancement images by conducting a perceptual user study, which shows that its performance compares favorably with existing approaches.
   author    = {Mayu Omiya and Yusuke Horiuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Optimization-Based Data Generation for Photo Enhancement}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2019,
Temporal Distance Matrices for Squat Classification
Temporal Distance Matrices for Squat Classification
Ryoji Ogata, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2019
When working out, it is necessary to perform the same action many times for it to have effect. If the action, such as squats or bench pressing, is performed with poor form, it can lead to serious injuries in the long term. For this purpose, we present an action dataset of squats where different types of poor form have been annotated with a diversity of users and backgrounds, and propose a model, based on temporal distance matrices, for the classification task. We first run a 3D pose detector, then we normalize the pose and compute the distance matrix, in which each element represents the distance between two joints. This representation is invariant to differences in individuals, global translation, and global rotation, allowing for high generalization to real world data. Our classification model consists of a CNN with 1D convolutions. Results show that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches for the task.
   author    = {Ryoji Ogata and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Temporal Distance Matrices for Squat Classification}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)",
   year      = 2019,
Spectral Normalization and Relativistic Adversarial Training for Conditional Pose Generation with Self-Attention
Yusuke Horiuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2019
We address the problem of conditional image generation of synthesizing a new image of an individual given a reference image and target pose. We base our approach on generative adversarial networks and leverage deformable skip connections to deal with pixel-to-pixel misalignments, self-attention to leverage complementary features in separate portions of the image, e.g., arms or legs, and spectral normalization to improve the quality of the synthesized images. We train the synthesis model with a nearest-neighbour loss in combination with a relativistic average hinge adversarial loss. We evaluate on the Market-1501 dataset and show how our proposed approach can surpass existing approaches in conditional image synthesis performance.
   author    = {Yusuke Horiuchi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Spectral Normalization and Relativistic Adversarial Training for Conditional Pose Generation with Self-Attention}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)",
   year      = 2019,
Re-staining Pathology Images by FCNN
Masayuki Fujitani, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Chika Iwamoto, Kenoki Ohuchida, Makoto Hashizume, Hidekata Hontani, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2019
In histopathology, pathologic tissue samples are stained using one of various techniques according to the desired features to be observed in microscopic examination. One problem is that staining is irreversible. Once a tissue slice is stained using a technique, it cannot be re-stained using another. In this work, we propose a method for simulated re-staining using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN).We convert a digitally scanned pathology image of a sample, stained using one technique, into another image with a different simulated stain. The challenge is that the ground truth cannot be obtained: the network needs training data, which in this case would be pairs of images of a sample stained in two different techniques. We overcome this problem by using the images of consecutive slices that are stained using the two distinct techniques, screening for morphological similarity by comparing their density components in the HSD color space. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in the case of converting hematoxylin and eosin-stained images into Masson’s trichrome stained images.
   author    = {Masayuki Fujitani and Yoshihiko Mochizuki and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hirokazu Kobayashi and Chika Iwamoto and Kenoki Ohuchida and Makoto Hashizume and Hidekata Hontani and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Re-staining Pathology Images by FCNN}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA, Oral)",
   year      = 2019,


Learning Photo Enhancement by Black-Box Model Optimization Data Generation
Learning Photo Enhancement by Black-Box Model Optimization Data Generation
Mayu Omiya, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Brief, 2018
We address the problem of automatic photo enhancement, in which the challenge is to determine the optimal enhancement for a given photo according to its content. For this purpose, we train a convolutional neural network to predict the best enhancement for given picture. While such machine learning techniques have shown great promise in photo enhancement, there are some limitations. One is the problem of interpretability, i.e., that it is not easy for the user to discern what has been done by a machine. In this work, we leverage existing manual photo enhancement tools as a black-box model, and predict the enhancement parameters of that model. Because the tools are designed for human use, the resulting parameters can be interpreted by their users. Another problem is the difficulty of obtaining training data. We propose generating supervised training data from high-quality professional images by randomly sampling realistic de-enhancement parameters. We show that this approach allows automatic enhancement of photographs without the need for large manually labelled supervised training datasets.
   author    = {Mayu Omiya and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Learning Photo Enhancement by Black-Box Model Optimization Data Generation}},
   booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Briefs",
   year      = 2018,
Real-Time Data-Driven Interactive Rough Sketch Inking
Real-Time Data-Driven Interactive Rough Sketch Inking
Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2018
We present an interactive approach for inking, which is the process of turning a pencil rough sketch into a clean line drawing. The approach, which we call the Smart Inker, consists of several "smart" tools that intuitively react to user input, while guided by the input rough sketch, to efficiently and naturally connect lines, erase shading, and fine-tune the line drawing output. Our approach is data-driven: the tools are based on fully convolutional networks, which we train to exploit both the user edits and inaccurate rough sketch to produce accurate line drawings, allowing high-performance interactive editing in real-time on a variety of challenging rough sketch images. For the training of the tools, we developed two key techniques: one is the creation of training data by simulation of vague and quick user edits; the other is a line normalization based on learning from vector data. These techniques, in combination with our sketch-specific data augmentation, allow us to train the tools on heterogeneous data without actual user interaction. We validate our approach with an in-depth user study, comparing it with professional illustration software, and show that our approach is able to reduce inking time by a factor of 1.8x while improving the results of amateur users.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Real-Time Data-Driven Interactive Rough Sketch Inking}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2018,
   volume    = 37,
   number    = 4,
佐藤 良亮,飯塚 里志,シモセラ エドガー,石川 博
第21回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、オーラル) [学生奨励賞], 2018
藤谷 真之,望月 義彦,飯塚 里志,シモセラ エドガー,小林 裕和,岩本 千佳,大内田 研宙,橋爪 誠,本谷 秀堅,石川 博
第21回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、オーラル) [学生奨励賞], 2018
Learning to Restore Deteriorated Line Drawing
Learning to Restore Deteriorated Line Drawing
Kazuma Sasaki, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hiroshi Ishikawa
The Visual Computer (Proc. of Computer Graphics International), 2018
We propose a fully automatic approach to restore aged old line drawings. We decompose the task into two subtasks: the line extraction subtask, which aims to extract line fragments and remove the paper texture background, and the restoration subtask, which fills in possible gaps and deterioration of the lines to produce a clean line drawing. Our approach is based on a convolutional neural network that consists of two sub-networks corresponding to the two subtasks. They are trained as part of a single framework in an end-to-end fashion. We also introduce a new dataset consisting of manually annotated sketches by Leonardo da Vinci which, in combination with a synthetic data generation approach, allows training the network to restore deteriorated line drawings. We evaluate our method on challenging 500-year-old sketches and compare with existing approaches with a user study, in which it is found that our approach is preferred 72.7% of the time.
   author    = {Sasaki Kazuma and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa}},
   title     = {{Learning to Restore Deteriorated Line Drawing}},
   journal   = "The Visual Computer (Proc. of Computer Graphics International)",
   year      = {2018},
   volume    = {34},
   pages     = {1077--1085},
Mastering Sketching: Adversarial Augmentation for Structured Prediction
Mastering Sketching: Adversarial Augmentation for Structured Prediction
Edgar Simo-Serra*, Satoshi Iizuka*, Hiroshi Ishikawa (* equal contribution)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH), 2018
We present an integral framework for training sketch simplification networks that convert challenging rough sketches into clean line drawings. Our approach augments a simplification network with a discriminator network, training both networks jointly so that the discriminator network discerns whether a line drawing is a real training data or the output of the simplification network, which in turn tries to fool it. This approach has two major advantages. First, because the discriminator network learns the structure in line drawings, it encourages the output sketches of the simplification network to be more similar in appearance to the training sketches. Second, we can also train the simplification network with additional unsupervised data, using the discriminator network as a substitute teacher. Thus, by adding only rough sketches without simplified line drawings, or only line drawings without the original rough sketches, we can improve the quality of the sketch simplification. We show how our framework can be used to train models that significantly outperform the state of the art in the sketch simplification task, despite using the same architecture for inference. We additionally present an approach to optimize for a single image, which improves accuracy at the cost of additional computation time. Finally, we show that, using the same framework, it is possible to train the network to perform the inverse problem, i.e., convert simple line sketches into pencil drawings, which is not possible using the standard mean squared error loss. We validate our framework with two user tests, where our approach is preferred to the state of the art in sketch simplification 92.3% of the time and obtains 1.2 more points on a scale of 1 to 5.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Mastering Sketching: Adversarial Augmentation for Structured Prediction}},
   journal   = "Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2018,
   volume    = 37,
   number    = 1,


Adaptive Energy Selection For Content-Aware Image Resizing
Adaptive Energy Selection For Content-Aware Image Resizing
Kazuma Sasaki, Yuya Nagahama, Zheng Ze, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Hiroshi Ishikawa
Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2017
Content-aware image resizing aims to reduce the size of an image without touching important objects and regions. In seam carving, this is done by assessing the importance of each pixel by an energy function and repeatedly removing a string of pixels avoiding pixels with high energy. However, there is no single energy function that is best for all images: the optimal energy function is itself a function of the image. In this paper, we present a method for predicting the quality of the results of resizing an image with different energy functions, so as to select the energy best suited for that particular image. We formulate the selection as a classification problem; i.e., we 'classify' the input into the class of images for which one of the energies works best. The standard approach would be to use a CNN for the classification. However, the existence of a fully connected layer forces us to resize the input to a fixed size, which obliterates useful information, especially lower-level features that more closely relate to the energies used for seam carving. Instead, we extract a feature from internal convolutional layers, which results in a fixed-length vector regardless of the input size, making it amenable to classification with a Support Vector Machine. This formulation of the algorithm selection as a classification problem can be used whenever there are multiple approaches for a specific image processing task. We validate our approach with a user study, where our method outperforms recent seam carving approaches.
   author = {Kazuma Sasaki and Yuya Nagahama and Zheng Ze and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Yoshihiko Mochizuki and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title = {{Adaptive Energy Selection For Content-Aware Image Resizing}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR)",
   year = 2017,
What Makes a Style: Experimental Analysis of Fashion Prediction
What Makes a Style: Experimental Analysis of Fashion Prediction
Moeko Takagi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2017
In this work, we perform an experimental analysis of the differences of both how humans and machines see and distinguish fashion styles. For this purpose, we propose an expert-curated new dataset for fashion style prediction, which consists of 14 different fashion styles each with roughly 1,000 images of worn outfits. The dataset, with a total of 13,126 images, captures the diversity and complexity of modern fashion styles. We perform an extensive analysis of the dataset by benchmarking a wide variety of modern classification networks, and also perform an in-depth user study with both fashion-savvy and fashion-naive users. Our results indicate that, although classification networks are able to outperform naive users, they are still far from the performance of savvy users, for which it is important to not only consider texture and color, but subtle differences in the combination of garments.
   author    = {Moeko Takagi and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{What Makes a Style: Experimental Analysis of Fashion Prediction}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",
   year      = 2017,
Multi-Modal Embedding for Main Product Detection in Fashion
Multi-Modal Embedding for Main Product Detection in Fashion
Antonio Rubio, Longlong Yu, Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) [best paper], 2017
We present an approach to detect the main product in fashion images by exploiting the textual metadata associated with each image. Our approach is based on a Convolutional Neural Network and learns a joint embedding of object proposals and textual metadata to predict the main product in the image. We additionally use several complementary classification and overlap losses in order to improve training stability and performance. Our tests on a large-scale dataset taken from eight e-commerce sites show that our approach outperforms strong baselines and is able to accurately detect the main product in a wide diversity of challenging fashion images.
   author    = {Antonio Rubio and Longlong Yu and Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Multi-Modal Embedding for Main Product Detection in Fashion}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",
   year      = 2017,
Multi-Label Fashion Image Classification with Minimal Human Supervision
Multi-Label Fashion Image Classification with Minimal Human Supervision
Naoto Inoue, Edgar Simo-Serra, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2017
We tackle the problem of multi-label classification of fashion images from noisy data using minimal human supervision. We present a new dataset of full body poses, each with a set of 66 binary labels corresponding to information about the garments worn in the image and obtained in an automatic manner. As the automatically collected labels contain significant noise, for a small subset of the data, we manually correct the labels, using these correct labels for further training and evaluating the model. We build upon a recent approach that both cleans the noisy labels while learning to classify, and show simple changes that can significantly improve the performance.
   author    = {Naoto Inoue and Edgar Simo-Serra and Toshihiko Yamasaki and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Multi-Label Fashion Image Classification with Minimal Human Supervision}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",
   year      = 2017,
Multi-Modal Joint Embedding for Fashion Product Retrieval
Multi-Modal Joint Embedding for Fashion Product Retrieval
Antonio Rubio, Longlong Yu, Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017
Finding a product in the fashion world can be a daunting task. Everyday, e-commerce sites are updating with thousands of images and their associated metadata (textual information), deepening the problem, akin to finding a needle in a haystack. In this paper, we leverage both the images and textual metadata and propose a joint multi-modal embedding that maps both the text and images into a common latent space. Distances in the latent space correspond to similarity between products, allowing us to effectively perform retrieval in this latent space, which is both efficient and accurate. We train this embedding using large-scale real world e-commerce data by both minimizing the similarity between related products and using auxiliary classification networks to that encourage the embedding to have semantic meaning. We compare against existing approaches and show significant improvements in retrieval tasks on a large-scale e-commerce dataset. We also provide an analysis of the different metadata.
   author = {Antonio Rubio and Longlong Yu and Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title = {{Multi-Modal Joint Embedding for Fashion Product Retrieval}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)",
   year = 2017,
高橋 宏輝,飯塚 里志,シモセラ エドガー,石川 博
第20回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU、オーラル) [学生奨励賞], 2017
Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion
Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion
Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hiroshi Ishikawa
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017
We present a novel approach for image completion that results in images that are both locally and globally consistent. With a fully-convolutional neural network, we can complete images of arbitrary resolutions by filling-in missing regions of any shape. To train this image completion network to be consistent, we use global and local context discriminators that are trained to distinguish real images from completed ones. The global discriminator looks at the entire image to assess if it is coherent as a whole, while the local discriminator looks only at a small area centered at the completed region to ensure the local consistency of the generated patches. The image completion network is then trained to fool the both context discriminator networks, which requires it to generate images that are indistinguishable from real ones with regard to overall consistency as well as in details. We show that our approach can be used to complete a wide variety of scenes. Furthermore, in contrast with the patch-based approaches such as PatchMatch, our approach can generate fragments that do not appear elsewhere in the image, which allows us to naturally complete the images of objects with familiar and highly specific structures, such as faces.
   author    = {Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2017,
   volume    = 36,
   number    = 4,
Joint Gap Detection and Inpainting of Line Drawings
Joint Gap Detection and Inpainting of Line Drawings
Kazuma Sasaki, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hiroshi Ishikawa
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017
We propose a novel data-driven approach for automatically detecting and completing gaps in line drawings with a Convolutional Neural Network. In the case of existing inpainting approaches for natural images, masks indicating the missing regions are generally required as input. Here, we show that line drawings have enough structures that can be learned by the CNN to allow automatic detection and completion of the gaps without any such input. Thus, our method can find the gaps in line drawings and complete them without user interaction. Furthermore, the completion realistically conserves thickness and curvature of the line segments. All the necessary heuristics for such realistic line completion are learned naturally from a dataset of line drawings, where various patterns of line completion are generated on the fly as training pairs to improve the model generalization. We evaluate our method qualitatively on a diverse set of challenging line drawings and also provide quantitative results with a user study, where it significantly outperforms the state of the art.
   author    = {Kazuma Sasaki Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Joint Gap Detection and Inpainting of Line Drawings}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2017,
近江谷 真由,シモセラ エドガー,飯塚 里志,石川 博
Visual Computing / グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム(オーラル), 2017
北川 竜太郎,シモセラ エドガー,飯塚 里志,望月 義彦,石川 博
Visual Computing / グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム(オーラル), 2017
Banknote Portrait Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
Ryutaro Kitagawa, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Hiroshi Matsuki, Naotake Natori, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2017
Banknotes generally have different designs according to their denominations. Thus, if characteristics of each design can be recognized, they can be used for sorting banknotes according to denominations. Portrait in banknotes is one such characteristic that can be used for classification. A sorting system for banknotes can be designed that recognizes portraits in each banknote and sort it accordingly. In this paper, our aim is to automate the configuration of such a sorting system by automatically detect portraits in sample banknotes, so that it can be quickly deployed in a new target country. We use Convolutional Neural Networks to detect portraits in completely new set of banknotes robust to variation in the ways they are shown, such as the size and the orientation of the face.
   author    = {Ryutaro Kitagawa and Yoshihiko Mochizuki and Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Matsuki and Naotake Natori and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Banknote Portrait Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)",
   year      = 2017,
Multi-Modal Fashion Product Retrieval
Antonio Rubio, Longlong Yu, Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
The 6th Workshop on Vision and Language, 2017
Finding a product in the fashion world can be a daunting task. Everyday, e-commerce sites are updating with thousands of images and their associated metadata (textual information), deepening the problem. In this paper, we leverage both the images and textual metadata and propose a joint multi-modal embedding that maps both the text and images into a common latent space. Distances in the latent space correspond to similarity between products, allowing us to effectively perform retrieval in this latent space. We compare against existing approaches and show significant improvements in retrieval tasks on a large-scale e-commerce dataset
   author = {Antonio Rubio and Longlong Yu and Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title = {{Multi-Modal Fashion Product Retrieval}},
   booktitle = "The 6th Workshop on Vision and Language (VL)",
   year = 2017,


BASS: Boundary-Aware Superpixel Segmentation
BASS: Boundary-Aware Superpixel Segmentation
Antonio Rubio, Longlong Yu, Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016
We propose a new superpixel algorithm based on exploiting the boundary information of an image, as objects in images can generally be described by their boundaries. Our proposed approach initially estimates the boundaries and uses them to place superpixel seeds in the areas in which they are more dense. Afterwards, we minimize an energy function in order to expand the seeds into full superpixels. In addition to standard terms such as color consistency and compactness, we propose using the geodesic distance which concentrates small superpixels in regions of the image with more information, while letting larger superpixels cover more homogeneous regions. By both improving the initialization using the boundaries and coherency of the superpixels with geodesic distances, we are able to maintain the coherency of the image structure with fewer superpixels than other approaches. We show the resulting algorithm to yield smaller Variation of Information metrics in seven different datasets while maintaining Undersegmentation Error values similar to the state-of-the-art methods.
   author = {Antonio Rubio and Longlong Yu and Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title = {{BASS: Boundary-Aware Superpixel Segmentation}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)",
   year = 2016,
Detection by Classification of Buildings in Multispectral Satellite Imagery
Detection by Classification of Buildings in Multispectral Satellite Imagery
Tomohiro Ishii, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Akihiro Sugimoto, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Ryosuke Nakamura
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016
We present an approach for the detection of buildings in multispectral satellite images. Unlike 3-channel RGB images, satellite imagery contains additional channels corresponding to different wavelengths. Approaches that do not use all channels are unable to fully exploit these images for optimal performance. Furthermore, care must be taken due to the large bias in classes, e.g., most of the Earth is covered in water and thus it will be dominant in the images. Our approach consists of training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) from scratch to classify multispectral image patches taken by satellites as whether or not they belong to a class of buildings. We then adapt the classification network to detection by converting the fully-connected layers of the network to convolutional layers, which allows the network to process images of any resolution. The dataset bias is compensated by subsampling negatives and tuning the detection threshold for optimal performance. We have constructed a new dataset using images from the Landsat 8 satellite for detecting solar power plants and show our approach is able to significantly outperform the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we provide an in-depth evaluation of the seven different spectral bands provided by the satellite images and show it is critical to combine them to obtain good results.
   author = {Tomohiro Ishii and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Yoshihiko Mochizuki and Akihiro Sugimoto and Hiroshi Ishikawa and Ryosuke Nakamura},
   title = {{Detection by Classification of Buildings in Multispectral Satellite Imagery}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)",
   year = 2016,
Room Reconstruction from a Single Spherical Image by Higher-order Energy Minimization
Room Reconstruction from a Single Spherical Image by Higher-order Energy Minimization
Kosuke Fukano, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Edgar Simo-Serra, Satoshi Iizuka, Akihiro Sugimoto, Hiroshi Ishikawa
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016
We propose a method to reconstruct a simple room from a single spherical image, i.e., to identify structural planes that form the ceiling, the floor, and the walls. A spherical image records the light that falls on a single viewpoint from all directions. Because there is no need to correlate geometrical information from multiple images, it facilitates the robust reconstruction of precise structure of the room. In our method, we first detect line segments in the image, which we then classify into those that form the boundaries of the structural planes and those that do not. The classification is a large combinatorial problem, which we solve with graph cuts as a minimization problem of a higher-order energy that combines the various measures of likelihood that one, two, or three line segments are part of the boundary. Finally, we estimate the planes that constitute the room from the line segments classified as residing on the boundaries. We evaluate the proposed method on synthetic and real images.
   author = {Kosuke Fukano and Yoshihiko Mochizuki and Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Akihiro Sugimoto and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title = {{Room Reconstruction from a Single Spherical Image by Higher-order Energy Minimization}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)",
   year = 2016,
3D Human Pose Tracking Priors using Geodesic Mixture Models
3D Human Pose Tracking Priors using Geodesic Mixture Models
Edgar Simo-Serra, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 122(2):388-408, 2016
We present a novel approach for learning a finite mixture model on a Riemannian manifold in which Euclidean metrics are not applicable and one needs to resort to geodesic distances consistent with the manifold geometry. For this purpose, we draw inspiration on a variant of the expectation-maximization algorithm, that uses a minimum message length criterion to automatically estimate the optimal number of components from multivariate data lying on an Euclidean space. In order to use this approach on Riemannian manifolds, we propose a formulation in which each component is defined on a different tangent space, thus avoiding the problems associated with the loss of accuracy produced when linearizing the manifold with a single tangent space. Our approach can be applied to any type of manifold for which it is possible to estimate its tangent space. Additionally, we consider using shrinkage covariance estimation to improve the robustness of the method, especially when dealing with very sparsely distributed samples. We evaluate the approach on a number of situations, going from data clustering on manifolds to combining pose and kinematics of articulated bodies for 3D human pose tracking. In all cases, we demonstrate remarkable improvement compared to several chosen baselines.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno Noguer},
   title     = {{3D Human Pose Tracking Priors using Geodesic Mixture Models}},
   journal   = {International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
   volume    = {122},
   number    = {2},
   pages     = {388--408},
   year      = 2016,
Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup
Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup
Edgar Simo-Serra*, Satoshi Iizuka*, Kazuma Sasaki, Hiroshi Ishikawa (* equal contribution)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016
In this paper, we present a novel technique to simplify sketch drawings based on learning a series of convolution operators. In contrast to existing approaches that require vector images as input, we allow the more general and challenging input of rough raster sketches such as those obtained from scanning pencil sketches. We convert the rough sketch into a simplified version which is then amendable for vectorization. This is all done in a fully automatic way without user intervention. Our model consists of a fully convolutional neural network which, unlike most existing convolutional neural networks, is able to process images of any dimensions and aspect ratio as input, and outputs a simplified sketch which has the same dimensions as the input image. In order to teach our model to simplify, we present a new dataset of pairs of rough and simplified sketch drawings. By leveraging convolution operators in combination with efficient use of our proposed dataset, we are able to train our sketch simplification model. Our approach naturally overcomes the limitations of existing methods, e.g., vector images as input and long computation time; and we show that meaningful simplifications can be obtained for many different test cases. Finally, we validate our results with a user study in which we greatly outperform similar approaches and establish the state of the art in sketch simplification of raster images.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Satoshi Iizuka and Kazuma Sasaki and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2016,
   volume    = 35,
   number    = 4,
Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification
Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification
Satoshi Iizuka*, Edgar Simo-Serra*, Hiroshi Ishikawa (* equal contribution)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016
We present a novel technique to automatically colorize grayscale images that combines both global priors and local image features. Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, our deep network features a fusion layer that allows us to elegantly merge local information dependent on small image patches with global priors computed using the entire image. The entire framework, including the global and local priors as well as the colorization model, is trained in an end-to-end fashion. Furthermore, our architecture can process images of any resolution, unlike most existing approaches based on CNN. We leverage an existing large-scale scene classification database to train our model, exploiting the class labels of the dataset to more efficiently and discriminatively learn the global priors. We validate our approach with a user study and compare against the state of the art, where we show significant improvements. Furthermore, we demonstrate our method extensively on many different types of images, including black-and-white photography from over a hundred years ago, and show realistic colorizations.
   author    = {Satoshi Iizuka and Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification}},
   journal   = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
   year      = 2016,
   volume    = 35,
   number    = 4,
Fashion Style in 128 Floats: Joint Ranking and Classification using Weak Data for Feature Extraction
Fashion Style in 128 Floats: Joint Ranking and Classification using Weak Data for Feature Extraction
Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
We propose a novel approach for learning features from weakly-supervised data by joint ranking and classification. In order to exploit data with weak labels, we jointly train a feature extraction network with a ranking loss and a classification network with a cross-entropy loss. We obtain high-quality compact discriminative features with few parameters, learned on relatively small datasets without additional annotations. This enables us to tackle tasks with specialized images not very similar to the more generic ones in existing fully-supervised datasets. We show that the resulting features in combination with a linear classifier surpass the state-of-the-art on the Hipster Wars dataset despite using features only 0.3% of the size. Our proposed features significantly outperform those obtained from networks trained on ImageNet, despite being 32 times smaller (128 single-precision floats), trained on noisy and weakly-labeled data, and using only 1.5% of the number of parameters.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Hiroshi Ishikawa},
   title     = {{Fashion Style in 128 Floats: Joint Ranking and Classification using Weak Data for Feature Extraction}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2016,
Structured Prediction with Output Embeddings for Semantic Image Annotation
Structured Prediction with Output Embeddings for Semantic Image Annotation
Ariadna Quattoni, Arnau Ramisa, Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha, Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT, Short), 2016
We address the task of annotating images with semantic tuples. Solving this problem requires an algorithm which is able to deal with hundreds of classes for each argument of the tuple. In such contexts, data sparsity becomes a key challenge, as there will be a large number of classes for which only a few examples are available. We propose handling this by incorporating feature representations of both the inputs (images) and outputs (argument classes) into a factorized log-linear model, and exploiting the flexibility of scoring functions based on bilinear forms. Experiments show that integrating feature representations of the outputs in the structured prediction model leads to better overall predictions. We also conclude that the best output representation is specific for each type of argument.
   author    = {Ariadna Quattoni and Arnau Ramisa and Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha and Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Structured Prediction with Output Embeddings for Semantic Image Annotation}},
   booktitle = "Proocedings of Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT)",
   year      = 2016,


Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Point Descriptors
Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Point Descriptors
Edgar Simo-Serra*, Eduard Trulls*, Luis Ferraz, Iasonas Kokkinos, Pascal Fua, Francesc Moreno-Noguer (* equal contribution)
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015
Deep learning has revolutionalized image-level tasks, e.g. image classification, but patch-level tasks, e.g. point correspondence still rely on hand-crafted features, such as SIFT. In this paper we use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to learn discriminant patch representations and in particular train a Siamese network with pairs of (non-)corresponding patches. We deal with the large number of non-corresponding patches with the combination of stochastic sampling of the training set and an aggressive mining strategy biased towards patches that are hard to classify. Our models are fully convolutional, efficient to compute and amenable to modern GPUs, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for SIFT. We obtain consistent performance gains over the state of the art, and most importantly generalize well against scaling and rotation, perspective transformation, non-rigid deformation, and illumination changes.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Eduard Trulls and Luis Ferraz and Iasonas Kokkinos and Pascal Fua and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Point Descriptors}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)",
   year      = 2015,
Understanding Human-Centric Images: From Geometry to Fashion
Understanding Human-Centric Images: From Geometry to Fashion
Edgar Simo-Serra
PhD Thesis, 2015
Understanding humans from photographs has always been a fundamental goal of computer vision. Early works focused on simple tasks such as detecting the location of individuals by means of bounding boxes. As the field progressed, harder and more higher level tasks have been undertaken. For example, from human detection came the 2D and 3D human pose estimation in which the task consisted of identifying the location in the image or space of all different body parts, e.g., head, torso, knees, arms, etc. Human attributes also became a great source of interest as they allow recognizing individuals and other properties such as gender or age. Later, the attention turned to the recognition of the action being performed. This, in general, relies on the previous works on pose estimation and attribute classification. Currently, even higher level tasks are being conducted such as predicting the motivations of human behaviour or identifying the fashionability of an individual from a photograph. In this thesis we have developed a hierarchy of tools that cover all these range of problems, from low level feature point descriptors to high level fashion-aware conditional random fields models, all with the objective of understanding humans from monocular RGB images. In order to build these high level models it is paramount to have a battery of robust and reliable low and mid level cues. Along these lines, we have proposed two low-level keypoint descriptors: one based on the theory of the heat diffusion on images, and the other that uses a convolutional neural network to learn discriminative image patch representations. We also introduce distinct low-level generative models for representing human pose: in particular we present a discrete model based on a directed acyclic graph and a continuous model that consists of poses clustered on a Riemannian manifold. As mid level cues we propose two 3D human pose estimation algorithms: one that estimates the 3D pose given a noisy 2D estimation, and an approach that simultaneously estimates both the 2D and 3D pose. Finally, we formulate higher level models built upon low and mid level cues for understanding humans from single images. Concretely, we focus on two different tasks in the context of fashion: semantic segmentation of clothing, and predicting the fashionability from images with METAData to ultimately provide fashion advice to the user. In summary, to robustly extract knowledge from images with the presence of humans it is necessary to build high level models that integrate low and mid level cues. In general, using and understanding strong features is critical for obtaining reliable performance. The main contribution of this thesis is in proposing a variety of low, mid and high level algorithms for human-centric images that can be integrated into higher level models for comprehending humans from photographs, as well as tackling novel fashion-oriented problems.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Understanding Human-Centric Images: From Geometry to Fashion}},
   school    = "BarcelonaTech (UPC)",
   year      = 2015,
Neuroaesthetics in Fashion: Modeling the Perception of Fashionability
Neuroaesthetics in Fashion: Modeling the Perception of Fashionability
Edgar Simo-Serra, Sanja Fidler, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Raquel Urtasun
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
In this paper, we analyze the fashion of clothing of a large social website. Our goal is to learn and predict how fashionable a person looks on a photograph and suggest subtle improvements the user could make to improve her/his appeal. We propose a Conditional Random Field model that jointly reasons about several fashionability factors such as the type of outfit and garments the user is wearing, the type of the user, the photograph's setting (e.g., the scenery behind the user), and the fashionability score. Importantly, our model is able to give rich feedback back to the user, conveying which garments or even scenery she/he should change in order to improve fashionability. We demonstrate that our joint approach significantly outperforms a variety of intelligent baselines. We additionally collected a novel heterogeneous dataset with 144,169 user posts containing diverse image, textual and meta information which can be exploited for our task. We also provide a detailed analysis of the data, showing different outfit trends and fashionability scores across the globe and across a span of 6 years.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Sanja Fidler and Francesc Moreno-Noguer and Raquel Urtasun},
   title     = {{Neuroaesthetics in Fashion: Modeling the Perception of Fashionability}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2015,
Efficient Monocular Pose Estimation for Complex 3D Models
Efficient Monocular Pose Estimation for Complex 3D Models
Antonio Rubio, Michael Villamizar, Luis Ferraz, Adrián Peñate-Sánchez, Arnau Ramisa, Edgar Simo-Serra, Alberto Sanfeliu, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference in Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015
We propose a robust and efficient method to estimate the pose of a camera with respect to complex 3D textured models of the environment that can potentially contain more than 100,000 points. To tackle this problem we follow a top down approach where we combine high-level deep network classifiers with low level geometric approaches to come up with a solution that is fast, robust and accurate. Given an input image, we initially use a pre-trained deep network to compute a rough estimation of the camera pose. This initial estimate constrains the number of 3D model points that can be seen from the camera viewpoint. We then establish 3D-to-2D correspondences between these potentially visible points of the model and the 2D detected image features. Accurate pose estimation is finally obtained from the 2D-to-3D correspondences using a novel PnP algorithm that rejects outliers without the need to use a RANSAC strategy, and which is between 10 and 100 times faster than other methods that use it. Two real experiments dealing with very large and complex 3D models demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.
   author = {Antonio Rubio and Michael Villamizar and Luis Ferraz and Adri\'an Pe\~nate-S\'anchez and Arnau Ramisa and Edgar Simo-Serra and Alberto Sanfeliu and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title = {{Efficient Monocular Pose Estimation for Complex 3D Models}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference in Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
   year = 2015,
Lie Algebra-Based Kinematic Prior for 3D Human Pose Tracking
Lie Algebra-Based Kinematic Prior for 3D Human Pose Tracking
Edgar Simo-Serra, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA) [best paper], 2015
We propose a novel kinematic prior for 3D human pose tracking that allows predicting the position in subsequent frames given the current position. We first define a Riemannian manifold that models the pose and extend it with its Lie algebra to also be able to represent the kinematics. We then learn a joint Gaussian mixture model of both the human pose and the kinematics on this manifold. Finally by conditioning the kinematics on the pose we are able to obtain a distribution of poses for subsequent frames that which can be used as a reliable prior in 3D human pose tracking. Our model scales well to large amounts of data and can be sampled at over 100,000 samples/second. We show it outperforms the widely used Gaussian diffusion model on the challenging Human3.6M dataset.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Lie Algebra-Based Kinematic Prior for 3D Human Pose Tracking}},
   booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)",
   year      = 2015,
DaLI: Deformation and Light Invariant Descriptor
DaLI: Deformation and Light Invariant Descriptor
Edgar Simo-Serra, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 115(2):135-154, 2015
Recent advances in 3D shape analysis and recognition have shown that heat diffusion theory can be effectively used to describe local features of deforming and scaling surfaces. In this paper, we show how this description can be used to characterize 2D image patches, and introduce DaLI, a novel feature point descriptor with high resilience to non-rigid image transformations and illumination changes. In order to build the descriptor, 2D image patches are initially treated as 3D surfaces. Patches are then described in terms of a heat kernel signature, which captures both local and global information, and shows a high degree of invariance to non-linear image warps. In addition, by further applying a logarithmic sampling and a Fourier transform, invariance to photometric changes is achieved. Finally, the descriptor is compacted by mapping it onto a low dimensional subspace computed using Principal Component Analysis, allowing for an efficient matching. A thorough experimental validation demonstrates that DaLI is significantly more discriminative and robust to illuminations changes and image transformations than state of the art descriptors, even those specifically designed to describe non-rigid deformations.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno Noguer},
   title     = {{DaLI: Deformation and Light Invariant Descriptor}},
   journal   = {International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
   volume    = {115},
   number    = {2},
   pages     = {136--154},
   year      = 2015,


A High Performance CRF Model for Clothes Parsing
A High Performance CRF Model for Clothes Parsing
Edgar Simo-Serra, Sanja Fidler, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Raquel Urtasun
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2014
In this paper we tackle the problem of semantic segmentation of clothing. We frame the problem as the one of inference in a pose-aware Markov random field which exploits appearance, figure/ground segmentation, shape and location priors for each garment as well as similarities between segments and symmetries between different human body parts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in the fashionista dataset and show that we can obtain a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Sanja Fidler and Francesc Moreno-Noguer and Raquel Urtasun},
   title     = {{A High Performance CRF Model for Clothes Parsing}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)",
   year      = 2014,
Geodesic Finite Mixture Models
Geodesic Finite Mixture Models
Edgar Simo-Serra, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2014
We present a novel approach for learning a finite mixture model on a Riemannian manifold in which Euclidean metrics are not applicable and one needs to resort to geodesic distances consistent with the manifold geometry. For this purpose, we draw inspiration on a variant of the expectation-maximization algorithm, that uses a minimum message length criterion to automatically estimate the optimal number of components from multivariate data lying on an Euclidean space. In order to use this approach on Riemannian manifolds, we propose a formulation in which each component is defined on a different tangent space, thus avoiding the problems associated with the loss of accuracy produced when linearizing the manifold with a single tangent space. Our approach can be applied to any type of manifold for which it is possible to estimate its tangent space. In particular, we show results on synthetic examples of a sphere and a quadric surface and on a large and complex dataset of human poses, where the proposed model is used as a regression tool for hypothesizing the geometry of occluded parts of the body.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Geodesic Finite Mixture Models}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)",
   year      = 2014,
Kinematic Synthesis using Tree Topologies
Kinematic Synthesis using Tree Topologies
Edgar Simo-Serra, Alba Perez-Gracia
Mechanism and Machine Theory (MAMT) 72:94-113, 2014
This paper presents a methodology for the description and finite-position dimensional synthesis of articulated systems with multiple end-effectors. The articulated system is represented as a rooted tree graph. Graph and dimensional synthesis theories are applied to determine when exact finite-position synthesis can be performed on the tree structures by considering the motion for all the possible subgraphs. Several examples of tree topologies are presented and synthesized. This theory has an immediate application on the design of novel multi-fingered hands.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Alba Perez-Gracia},
   title     = {{Kinematic Synthesis using Tree Topologies}},
   journal   = {Mechanism and Machine Theory},
   volume    = {72},
   pages     = {94--113},
   year      = 2014,


A Joint Model for 2D and 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image
A Joint Model for 2D and 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image
Edgar Simo-Serra, Ariadna Quattoni, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013
We introduce a novel approach to automatically recover 3D human pose from a single image. Most previous work follows a pipelined approach: initially, a set of 2D features such as edges, joints or silhouettes are detected in the image, and then these observations are used to infer the 3D pose. Solving these two problems separately may lead to erroneous 3D poses when the feature detector has performed poorly. In this paper, we address this issue by jointly solving both the 2D detection and the 3D inference problems. For this purpose, we propose a Bayesian framework that integrates a generative model based on latent variables and discriminative 2D part detectors based on HOGs, and perform inference using evolutionary algorithms. Real experimentation demonstrates competitive results, and the ability of our methodology to provide accurate 2D and 3D pose estimations even when the 2D detectors are inaccurate.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Ariadna Quattoni and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{A Joint Model for 2D and 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2013,


Kinematic Synthesis of Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands for Finite and Infinitesimal Tasks
Kinematic Synthesis of Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands for Finite and Infinitesimal Tasks
Edgar Simo-Serra, Alba Perez-Gracia, Hyosang Moon, Nina Robson
Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), 2012
In this paper we present a novel method of designing multi-fingered robotic hands using tasks composed of both finite and infinitesimal motion. The method is based on representing the robotic hands as a kinematic chain with a tree topology. We represent finite motion using Clifford algebra and infinitesimal motion using Lie algebra to perform finite dimensional kinematic synthesis of the multi-fingered mechanism. This allows tasks to be defined not only by displacements, but also by the velocity and acceleration at different positions for the design of robotic hands. An example task is provided using an experimental motion capture system and we present the design of a robotic hand for the task using a hybrid Genetic Algorithm/Levenberg-Marquadt solver.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Alba Perez-Gracia and Hyosang Moon and Nina Robson},
   title     = {{Kinematic Synthesis of Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands for Finite and Infinitesimal Tasks}},
   booktitle = "Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK)",
   year      = 2012,
Single Image 3D Human Pose Estimation from Noisy Observations
Single Image 3D Human Pose Estimation from Noisy Observations
Edgar Simo-Serra, Arnau Ramisa, Guillem Alenyà, Carme Torras, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012
Markerless 3D human pose detection from a single image is a severely underconstrained problem in which different 3D poses can have very similar image projections. In order to handle this ambiguity, current approaches rely on prior shape models whose parameters are estimated by minimizing image-based objective functions that require 2D features to be accurately detected in the input images. Unfortunately, although current 2D part detectors algorithms have shown promising results, their accuracy is not yet sufficiently high to subsequently infer the 3D human pose in a robust and unambiguous manner. We introduce a novel approach for estimating 3D human pose even when observations are noisy. We propose a stochastic sampling strategy to propagate the noise from the image plane to the shape space. This provides a set of ambiguous 3D shapes, which are virtually undistinguishable using image-based information alone. Disambiguation is then achieved by imposing kinematic constraints that guarantee the resulting pose resembles a 3D human shape. We validate our approach on a variety of situations in which state-of-the-art 2D detectors yield either inaccurate estimations or partly miss some of the body parts.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Arnau Ramisa and Guillem Aleny\`a and Carme Torras and Francesc Moreno-Noguer},
   title     = {{Single Image 3D Human Pose Estimation from Noisy Observations}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
   year      = 2012,


Design of Non-Anthropomorphic Robotic Hands for Anthropomorphic Tasks
Design of Non-Anthropomorphic Robotic Hands for Anthropomorphic Tasks
Edgar Simo-Serra, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Alba Perez-Gracia
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), 2011
In this paper, we explore the idea of designing non-anthropomorphic, multi-fingered robotic hands for tasks that replicate the motion of the human hand. Taking as input data rigid-body trajectories for the five fingertips, we develop a method to perform dimensional synthesis for a kinematic chain with a tree structure, with three common joints and five branches. We state the forward kinematics equations of relative displacements for each serial chain expressed as dual quaternions, and solve for up to five chains simultaneously to reach a number of poses along the hand trajectory using a hybrid global numerical solver that integrates a genetic algorithm and a Levenberg-Marquardt local optimizer. Although the number of candidate solutions in this problem is very high, the use of the genetic algorithm lets us to perform an exhaustive exploration of the solution space and retain a subset of them. We then can choose some of the solutions based on the specific task to perform. Note that these designs could match the task exactly while having a finger design radically different from that of the human hand.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra and Francesc Moreno-Noguer and Alba Perez-Gracia},
   title     = {{Design of Non-Anthropomorphic Robotic Hands for Anthropomorphic Tasks}},
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences",
   year      = 2011,
Kinematic Model of the Hand using Computer Vision
Kinematic Model of the Hand using Computer Vision
Edgar Simo-Serra
Degree Thesis, 2011
Biotechnology is a science that is growing rapidly. The objective of this project is to advance in the field. Specifically it aims to study applications of kinematics in the field of human-machine interfaces namely exoskeleton and prosthesis designs for the human hand. The methodology used in this project consists of three phases. First a theoretical model of the hand kinematics is defined from medical literature. This is done by synthesizing the hand into its simplified parameters to define a robotic model. The adjustment of the theoretical model to a hand is then done by capturing the movement using computer vision. This is done by using markers on each nail to be able to estimate their poses which consist of their spatial orientation and position. This sequence permits estimating the movement of the entire hand. Dimensional kinematic synthesis is finally applied to adapt the theoretical model to the dataset provided by computer vision. This is done by defining the equations of the movement of the theoretical hand model and is then solved by a numerical solver. This allows the creation of a personalized hand model that can then be used for the study of correspondences between electromyography and the movements of the hand. In conclusion, this project has designed a robust algorithm for the tracking and estimation of the poses of the nails of the hand. It has also defined the movement equations and created an application to solve them. This has led to the finding of many non-anthropomorphic models that can be of use in the design of exoskeletons.
   author    = {Edgar Simo-Serra},
   title     = {{Kinematic Model of the Hand using Computer Vision}},
   school    = "BarcelonaTech (UPC)",
   type      = "Degree Thesis",
   year      = 2011,